Month: January 2011

The Monday Meeting: Kathleen

Kathleen Mckay, Project Assistant and Champions Network Co-Ordinator

This week Kathleen McKay, the Champions Network Co-ordinator, answers our questions.  Read her interview here!

Barriers to screening in BME communities

This is an article from a 2005 edition of the International Journal of Palliative Nursing discussing issues around effective uptake of cancer screening in black and minority ethnic groups.  You can download it below

Barriers to Cancer Screening among Black and Minority Ethnic Groups

Veronica Nicky Thomas, Tariq Saleem and Rachel Abraham; International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 2005, Vol 11, No 11.

The Monday Meeting

This is the first in a series of interviews with members of the Bright Ideas team.  First up is Company PA, Karen.  Click on her image below to visit her page!

Karen Lock, Company PA

So long, farewell….

Helen and Tanimola have been fantastic members of the team at Bright Ideas, helping to develop work with their well honed skills and expertise.  They have both begun new jobs at the start of this new year, Helen here in Nottingham and Tani all the way down in Exeter.  We will be staying in touch, but want to wish them all the best in their new roles and thank them for all their hard work.  We will miss you!